Under the Sky Blue Sea

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Musical Musings

I often have (what seem like good) ideas for writing here, but then get distracted and don't actually get to the writing part for awhile, and then when I finally do, I'm not sure if I ever articulate it right, after its been rolling around in my head for too long. Grr.


I saw a meme recently that involved posting about songs that are haunting you at the moment. I don't know if 'haunting' is the right word (although, for a few it is), but here are a few songs that have been on repeat for me lately. I've been feeling stuck in a rut and frustrated with some things, and these songs are currently a combination of motivation and butt-kicking for me. I've found audio clips on youtube for them (don't bother watching the videos - they are crappy!) for your listening pleasure.

Make This Go On Forever
, Snow Patrol
This was recently featured in Grey's Anatomy, at the end of the first of the three 'ferry' episodes. I loved in that context, but I also love it as a stand alone.

Beautiful Things, Andain
I've said it before - thank you, Saf, for posting about this one. I very much identify with a lot of the lyrics.

Jump, Madonna
Okay I lied - watch the video. And this one, cool parkour tricks are used for both of them. Now, to follow her advice....easier said than done. Ruts can get comfortable, even when they're not where you want to be.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I'm Back!

Did you miss me? Probably not, as you likely didn't realize I was gone, due to my unregulated posting schedule.


I went on a Caribbean cruise over 'Reading Week' (although I don't really have one anymore... just took the week off anyways), which was fabulous. Big boat, blue ocean, blue skies, lots of sunshine and warmth...what else is there to say? The wait staff who we got to know, the food and drinks, the relaxation and not having to do anything you didn't feel like. Thats what a February should feel like, dammit - and at least 80 degrees.

But no, as Canadians, we deal with -30 and lower temps for the fun of it. Brrrrr. Oh well, makes you appreciate what you have, I suppose.

Other Caribbean adventures included ziplining through the rainforest canopy in Jamaica, snorkeling in Grand Cayman and Mexico (biiig fish in Grand Cayman - as big as me, very nearly!), 'mustering', and sampling yummy fruity cocktails. Multiple times.

In other news, I finally did get around to creating that photoblog I mentioned awhile back - so here is the link for your viewing pleasure, should you be interested.

In closing, here is me, on a beach in the Bahamas with our lovely ship the 'Star Princess' in the background.

Green yet? ;)
(myself, I was a wee bit red when I returned...oops)