Under the Sky Blue Sea

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Home again...

Wherever 'home' is, anyway. I'm not sure anymore.....

Back in Aurora, which has been home base as long as I can remember, although it is beginning to feel less and less so. Part of that whole 'growing up' thing, I guess.

Talibah has just posted a list of Spadina House-isms, which make me laugh. So true, all of them where heard just about daily in our house. It kinda loses something if you can't *hear*/imagine the voice in your head of what each one sounds like (very distinctive sounding phrases they are, with intonation being key in conveying meaning), but oh well. Planning to go see the new, downsized Spadina House tomorrow, to give Tom some love. And to see what has become of all of the totes and their contents.

Thats what I'm talking about..... 100%.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Another thing I'll miss about this place..

Its almost the end of the Spadina House era - very sad. :( Its hard to believe I've been here for a year, seems like both longer & shorter. Now we are all splitting up and going different ways, although Kailey & Talibah will be maintaining a smaller version of it just up the street. I'll miss living with them, and of course Tom cat too.

And I'll miss overhearing Kailey talking on the phone with her Granny (who is slightly deaf, so its hard not to overhear, *grin*), especially as she tries to explain how to pronounce Talibah's name:
"Her name is Talibah....TA-LEE-BAH.
No, its B.
T-A-L-I-B ..... no, not C. B!
B as in Bobby. B like bee....yes, as in bumblebee. T-A-L-I-B-A-H! Talibah."
(Kailey had this conversation w/ Granny last evening, in her bedroom.....while Talibah & I killed ourselves laughing in the living room halfway across the apartment. We love you, Granny.)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

(I'm a) Bad Blogger

Hi.....long time no write. Bad Carolyn.

Although, I thought I was doing pretty good by not falling back on it as a procrastination tool during my essay hell week. :) Now I'm playing that card for exams now, hmm....

Soooo....what have I been up to? Work, mostly, and finishing up the last vestiges of schoolwork here for U of T. Preparing to move out of Spadina House, :( a very depressing thought indeed. Who will remind me to eat my carbs? How will I know when Thomas is being too cute to be allowed, and I'll miss the impromptu kitchen operatics of Kailey!?! & Talibah?!?!!

Saw WICKED last week ....it wasn't the same without Cathy, but still an excellent show overall. I *heart* Elphaba, and Glinda & Dorothy are silly and annoying. Been listening to the soundtrack for a week solid now - I want to do *No Good Deed* and *Defy Gravity!*.

I want to extend hugs to my good friends Kailey & Saf, both who are experiencing rather stressful times as of late. My ears are always open.

And I'm also hoping that Kailey will write an entry soon detailing the events of last Saturday night - primarily the amusing actions of Soupy on the way home from dinner in Little Italy. Porta-potties & pizza, anyone?

More soon....