Under the Sky Blue Sea

Monday, April 24, 2006

'Cause Everything is Rent ...

Today is the 10 year anniversary of Rent playing on Broadway. :) Ten years! Wow. I've collected quite a bit of memorabilia in that time.... heres a peek.

My most recent acquistion, a gift ... a movie poster, signed by all of the cast & the director. Wow!

Ticket stubs from the previous 3 shows I've been to ... all Sunday matinees, for some reason.

Previous ticket stubs, plus tickets for Saturday May 13th ... still a matinee, but not Sunday this time.

The music of Jonathan Larson.

Rent souvenier pin, bought at the Nederlander Theatre, NYC

Rent songbook - not that I can read music worth a damn, but still.
The comprehensive book of Rent - so amazing. Also a gift - thank you, so much.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Ever since I heard that Lays potato chips came out with two new flavours - Wasabi and Curry - I'd been keeping an eye out for them, as the Wasabi one had me very curious. They are advertised as only being available in Toronto and Vancouver, so I've been popping in and out of convinience and grocery stores all over the city hoping to spot them. I found Curry one place, but no Wasabi. Until today. And where did I find it, you ask? Of all places, Zeller's in Aurora had them. I'll take it! Haven't sampled the goods yet, but will be sure to update when I do.

Aurora also has a newly opened Dollarama, complete with a big new neon sign. I think they still may be having some problems with the new sign though, as when I drove by it the other night, only some of the letters were lit up, causing the sign to read "LLAMA". Hee... :)

Friday, April 14, 2006

Things that aren't related

I usually try to pick up a Metro newspaper in the morning while waiting for the train or subway, but often don't have time to read it until the end of the day on the trip home. Such was the case yesterday, but when I got to the horoscopes, I had to laugh. Generally, I don't even read the horoscopes, much less put any stock in them, but the Metro ones sometimes have really odd lines/predictions in them, so I sometimes skim them for the amusement factor. On Thursday, my own contained the line 'Point incompetent people in the right direction' ... which is pretty much how I spent my morning, despite having a large easel set up in front of my desk telling people where to go to hand in their portfolios. Some would see it and stop themselves short at the door to the office, which was funny to watch, but some would walk straight up to me and hold it out. The sign was HUGE, I have no idea how they missed it. Tunnel vision, I suppose.... made for a good laugh among my co-workers, though.

At the end of the day, walking to my car in the train station parking lot, I noticed another car that had a rosary dangling from the rearview mirror. And not just your usual size rosary, but a big one with a sizeable ceramic cross on it (I'm surprised it didn't pull the mirror off the glass). It looked rather dangerous to me, especially in the event of an accident - it looked like it would do more harm than good to the occupants of the car! You'd be more likely to be decapitated than saved by it ...

I fully admit to being biased and not liking anything hanging from the rearview of a car I'm driving - I find it distracting to have something swinging around when I'm paying attention to the road. My sister tried to add an air freshener to the car we shared a few summers ago - a big, bright yellow jelly foot, with a sickening vanilla stench (which was intensified by the summer heat, of course). That didn't last long - the scent made me feel dizzy and sick (not a good way for the driver to feel!), and having this yellow thing swinging around was not cool either. I really don't see the need for air fresheners in cars anyways, they usually smell worse than the neutral scent that most cars have. The foot was banished to her boyfriends truck, to live out its days there .... good riddance.

I (finally) saw 'V for Vendetta' tonight ... really good film! I thoroughly enjoyed it. The weather was neat when we came out ... foggy, and then some lightning later on. There hasn't been a thunderstorm in ages, its nice to see/hear a big one once and awhile.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Spring Weekend in London

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Wait ... wait ... wait ..... GO!

Funny how things work out - you spend so much time sitting around waiting for something to happen, then all of a sudden multiple things occur simultaneously, and the speed of life seems to go from zero to sixty overnight. Yikes! Lots of good things going on, but quite a rapid change from the slow pace that I've become accustomed to these past few months. Instead of sleeping until noon everyday, I'm now up and out of the house with the sunrise, for one. I've always been a night owl (and still am), so this is a very dramatic shift in my sleeping patterns, which I'm still adjusting too. Usually I prefer sunsets, but the sunrises can be quite beautiful too. I can't wait until this coming weekend when I can finally sleep in again, though!

Spent last weekend in London, seeing Library school friends (all dressed up, I might add), as well as visiting with Saf and her family, and taking in some of the springtime beauty of the parks and the river. Sunny weather, warmer temperatures, green grass and Canada geese ... all welcome signs of spring! (No more of this snow nonsense, hear?)

Lastly - some videos for your viewing enjoyment!
  • This one I came across the other day - Spin DJ as God - neat concept, funny/thought provoking story ... very cool.
  • And this one is just fun - Brokeback on Ice - A men's skating routine, with a cowboy theme...very cute. In addition, this video led to a conversation which led to my current employment - so theres further positive feelings towards it for me! :) Yay cowboys!