Under the Sky Blue Sea

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Staying Connected 2009 - Year in Review

Here we are, at the end of another year already. And a decade since the ‘Millenium’ New Year’s Eve, which at the time was a REALLY BIG deal. Where were you on December 31, 1999? I was at a fancy ‘masquerade ball’ at the Oakville Yacht Club, with the person I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. This years was spent at home, doing nothing in particular, with the person that I know I’ll spend the rest of my life with. (No, no rings yet. No rush…)

I’ve had a good year overall, with things definitely taking a turn for the better in the later part of the year. While I was frustrated with my job situation for the majority of the year, in late October I interviewed for a position within the University, and by the end of November I was starting my new job! I was only there for a month before the Christmas break, and I’m not sure what to expect when I return on Monday, but overall I am much happier, and enjoying the new department and purpose behind my job so much more (although I do miss my former colleagues, but at least they are still close by, so it has been easy to stay in touch).

I didn’t do any major trips this year, although Ian & I did manage a few small ones – nearly a week in NYC in May/June (Ian’s first trip to the Big Apple!), and a long weekend in Thunder Bay in July.

My Gramma passed away in June, after slowly being worn down by age and various minor illnesses that never really went away. She was 92, and had a good, long life – 7 children, 12 grandchilden, 5 great-grandchildren. While it was hard watching her slowly get worse, in the end she passed peacefully, and the days of the wake and funereal provided a chance for the entire family and many friends to gather together to remember her. As we had previously always had a family gathering on the Labour Day weekend to celebrate her birthday, my cousins in the St. Catharine’s area kept up the tradition, and the whole family traveled out to their homes, instead of them having to trek out to the GTA in mid-August.

In terms of getting more active, I have made progress in that – started to run a bit in the summer, did get a new bike, joined the gym, and have fallen in love with the Pilates Reformer (*waves to Saf*).

I ended the year off by becoming a MAC user - woo! Still learning the tricks of the trade (and pondering what to name my beauty - the iPhone tends to be referred to as 'the precious', a la 'Lord of the Rings', the Mini is still nameless), but enjoying them immensely.

I also started a photoblog this year - so far I have been slow in getting it going, and am still tweaking, but take a peek and let me know what you think.

Here's to 2010 being another good year - and that we manage to squeeze in a reunion or two before this time next year!

Love, C


  • Oh I loved this. C, my dear C. Your mention about you and Ian spending your lives together brought such a rush to my heart....I'm SO happy that you've found each other, and (though I'm certain he knows this) Ian is lucky to have you.

    What a wonderful post. Now I'm all inspired. Again. Haha

    Love to ya,


    By Blogger kjane, at 1/03/2010 11:06 PM  

  • This is great :) I am ashamed to say that in the rush of the holidays I COMPLETELY FORGOT that I had to make a year-end post.


    So I'll see if I have the energy to work on one today and have it posted soon.


    By Blogger sappho, at 1/04/2010 9:06 AM  

  • ditto what Spart said, I loved this, a wonderful post!
    I felt happy (for you re: Ian and your new job), excited(at the possibilities), and inspired (I should write now, right now). Here's to 2010 being a good year, with a reunion or two squeezed in :)
    love, tulip

    By Blogger Tulip, at 1/09/2010 5:01 AM  

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