Under the Sky Blue Sea

Saturday, May 20, 2006

What a difference a few years makes...

I went to go see 'DaVinci Code' last night with my younger sister Erin and her friend Allie. While waiting in the line to get in (now I remember why I don't generally go to the movies on opening night, unless its for something really good - which this wasn't), Erin mentioned how the ticket guy reminded her of Fred Savage, which led to talking about sibling actors from the 80's. To which Allie contributes 'You know what I just found out? You know Kirk Cameron from Growing Pains, and Candace Cameron from Full House? They're related!', I was about to express my disbelief, when Erin piped up that she had only just recently found that out too. So I'm looking at them both thinking what planet are you from? How can you not know that? Everybody knows that ... and I said as much to both of them. Seriously? Ah well ... amusing, if nothing else. I reminded them of the Full House episode where their 'cousin' (played by Kirk Cameron) comes to visit, and DJ is all excited, then gets jealous when he wants to spend more time with his uncles than playing with her.

So yes, I was unimpressed by the movie version of DaVinci Code. I didn't have high expectations to begin with, but I found the way that it was portrayed and played out to be annoying. The book goes into so much detail, which is impossible to do in film, so if you hadn't read the book, you'd likely be pretty lost. Tom Hanks looks horrible, but Audrey Tautou is gorgeous - she makes a good Sophie. I was distracted by Alfred Molina playing a bishop (since when did Doc Ock become a priest?) and Ian McKellan (Gandalf? What are you doing here?)... I found it hard to see them outside of roles I previously associated them with.

While in Zellers this afternoon, I noticed something kind of disturbing, yet funny in their choice of stock layout and organization. When on the overlapping/edge aisle shared by the health and beauty section and the housewares sections, I found myself looking at maxi pads, tampons, pantiliners etc. on one side ... and in the facing aisle, shelf upon shelf of Bounty, the quilted quicker picker upper. You draw your own conclusions ....

Saturday, May 13, 2006

One Song Glory

Fun day in the city ... especially as it involved the musical 'Rent'. Caught the afternoon show with Daina & Hana, and it was excellent. Although I was originally horrified by the small picture of the actor playing Roger in the program, the boy could sing, which really is the most important part. And he looked much better onstage, as well. One of the better productions of the show I've seen. It was my 4th time seeing it onstage, about the same for Daina, and the very first time for Hana. I take full credit for getting her hooked on the show in the fall, and was happy to be there for her first time seeing it onstage too. Even though it was a repeat viewing for both Daina and I, it was the first time that we were seeing it together (and we've been Rentheads together since the show opened 10 years ago) .

After the show, we walked up to the Pickle Barrel for dinner, and were joined by Nat. I hadn't been there for awhile, they've completed renovated/redecorated - it looks very funky and cool! We got there around 5, before it got too busy, so there wasn't much waiting involved. And the food! Sooooooo good (although, take it from Daina - you don't really want the Asian nachos, they weren't as good as they sounded. But our very friendly waiter replaced them for her with no problems). Myself, I had a delicious salad - and what is so special about a salad, you might ask? Well, it was a ceasar salad, to begin with, and then on top of it were stirfried mushrooms, onions, green and red peppers, and STEAK. Medium rare, still a little pink in the middle ... MMMMMMmmmmmmMMMM. And cherry tomatoes around the edge of the plate, and green onions shredded and curled on top. Oh yes, and these little mini crispy french fry things on top too. Best salad ever. Followed by dessert ... Daina & I shared a Skor sundae, which was mammoth. Vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, caramel sauce, and smashed up pieces of Skor bars. Even between the two of us, we couldn't entirely finish it, but oh, so good.

Time spent with great friends, seeing a fabulous show, and having dinner in a funky restaurant with an amazing menu... what more could you want?

Although a sad note, once I got home .... when I saw Rent in NYC last year, I treated myself to a souvenier pin. Which has sat on my bulletin board all year, not doing much. So I figured that today would be an ideal opportunity to wear it, so I did. I kept checking all day to see that it was still there, but when I got home and upstairs, I noticed that it was missing. :( Could be anywhere, I'm not holding my breath... oh well. So it goes.

Pictures to follow, once Hana sends them along ....in the meantime, scroll down to the April 24th entry, I've added more Rent pictures there. :)


Some of the lyrics to the newest Dixie Chicks song, "I'm Not Ready to Make Nice" have been floating around my head the past few days ... its catchy. And apt.

I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down
I'm still mad as hell and I don't have time
To go round and round and round...

Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I'm not sure I could
They say time heals everything
I'm still waiting.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Actions Speak Louder Than Words ... aka Its a Small, Small World

When I was in grade 11, I took a sign language course that was offered at my high school. It was a small class, and you had to have an interview with the teacher in order to be accepted - a lot of people applied for it! (Myself, I had an 'in' with the teacher ... lol. Her mother & my grandmother are good friends, and she went to elementary school with one of my uncles...but anyways). I really enjoyed the class, and got pretty good at it, probably helped quite a bit by the fact that around the same time I became friends with many of the deaf students at the school and had lots of opportunities to practice. In fact, they invited me (and a few other hearing friends) into their social circle, and we all had a lot of fun.

Sadly, I've lost touch with most of them since then, as well as most of my sign abilities ... I know some random signs still, and I know the fingerspelling alphabet, but thats about it. Although often when I see sign, if I watch I can sometimes pick up a word or two and get the gist of the conversation. But its not something that I think about most days, or very often at all.

So imagine my surprise when I got on the subway to head home yesterday afternoon, and right in front of the doors I enter on, is a woman I met through this circle of friends, Linda, who I haven't seen or spoken to in probably 4 or 5 years. We both recognized each other though (although she couldn't quite remember where she knew me from), and although I am very rusty, I was able to understand her signs/questions to me, and more or less communicate my answers to her. She was with a friend, someone I didn't know (both deaf), but by watching them sign I was able to follow their conversation as well. It was so cool ... its such an expressive way to communicate. I love the randomness of Toronto ... of all the subways, of all the doors I could have gotten on at ... lol.

But it gets better - when I got on the subway again this morning heading to work, again, there was Linda sitting right in the car right where I walked on! Very weird, especially as I'd walked through the PATH from Union up to St. Andrew station. So we chatted a bit more, she had recalled how we knew each other (through a mutual friend, who sadly neither of us has talked to for awhile. I really should remedy that!)

It's amazing how expressive your hands can be ... how you can communicate fully with little to no verbal cues. I should try to find my notes, I know I still have them (somewhere), and see what I can recall. I love learning about and new forms ofcommunication, in all ways. Not to mention running into old friends...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Springtime in the City

Spring is here! So are some allergies on my part, but hopefully those will past soon. I had time to kill on a gorgeous afternoon last week, so I stepped outside my office and was able to capture quite a few amazing shots of the local greenery. I was pretty impressed with my camera's abilities, if I may say so ...


Upon discovering that this was a magnolia bloom (I didn't know until after), I couldn't help peering closely at the above photo to see if I could spy any frogs in the centre ... :) Bonus points if you get this reference.

I have no idea what the white and purple flowers are .. but the macro setting captured them quite well.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Sunset silhouettes

Riding the GO bus home this evening, I was treated to seeing the city skyline, and everything else, softly backlit by the fading orange glow of the sunset. Very pretty. Particularly cool was when we passed by a parking garage (I think up around Eglinton), and for a brief moment, you could see the bright orange bars of the open spaces starkly contrasted against the blackness of building.

Stay tuned for some updates ... although due to my magical powers of time manipulation, some may appear before this entry was written. Be forewarned .. ;)

Wasabi Chips Report (as it seems to have caused a bit of a cliffhanger among some members of this small audience): Not bad. Not the greatest flavor ever (but then again, my favorite flavor is regular, so maybe thats just me), but they're good. They don't burn your mouth off (or your nasal passages), really just a green tinted chip with a horseradish-y aftertaste. Although if you were to eat a large amount in one sitting, I'm sure you'd definitely start to feel a burn after awhile. I like them, but probably wouldn't buy them again. But glad I tried.

My cousin's MSN name currently reads "May the 4th be with you." Took me a second, but I think its brilliant. Heehee.

Pictures coming soon...

Happy Birthday, Katie! :)