Under the Sky Blue Sea

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Shades of 'Star Wars'

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away....

(May 1999, to be precise) ... a group of rabid (yet lovable) Star Wars fans lined up outside of the Colosuss theatre in Woodbridge, 3 hours before show time, clutching tickets they'd bought weeks in advance (skipping school to do so), all to experience the next generation of the Saga, 'Phantom Menace', on its opening day ... dragging along in their midst me, a newly indoctrinated Padawan, who had only finished watching the original trilogy a week or so before. Can't say I really knew what I was getting myself into, but it was a lot of fun, in any case. We had tickets for an 8pm show, arrived to line up sometime before 5 ... although in fact, a few members of our 20+ group had seen the show already, having gone to a midnight screening earlier that day.

That, my friends, is what I am going to embark on today ... although instead of Star Wars, the name of the game is 'Harry Potter'. Midnight screening, crazed magical-obsessed libarians-to-be ... should be a good time! And no, don't worry, I won't write about it and post any spoilers, and I'm certain that its one I'll see in theatres more than once, so don't worry, I still want to see it with you! (And you. And you. You...hmm, I'll have to think, and get back to you.)


  • Enjoy girl! I tried to go for the midnight screening but unfortunately I have an 8 a.m. presentation to do ... not worth it ... can't fuck this up ... but I'm going at 9:45 tomorrow evening. GOod times! We'll gab soon.

    By Blogger Hana, at 11/17/2005 11:25 PM  

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