Under the Sky Blue Sea

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Fuck..... I really don't want to be doing this. :( Just stayed up all night, and have nothing of any merit to show for it. Have half an hour or so to try to just write down *something* that is complete crap and juvenile and exactly what the prof doesn't want to see, just so that I have something to hand in. I can't not hand something in, no matter how embarassing the bullshit I've 'written' (I use the term very loosely here) is. Why am I doing this? This was even a paper I could have been semi-interested in, the articles talked about semiotics and everything. Its really bad to be this apathetic only 1 month in. I think my study skills are getting worse, not better. Fuck.


  • Oh C.
    sounds really frustrating/maddening (it must be - I've never actually heard/seen you swear before). It's hard - finally deciding what you want to do and then being sure you want to do it..
    so I give you another >*hug*<. and I hope that you manage to get some sleep soon.

    By Blogger Tulip, at 9/28/2005 5:04 PM  


    I wish I were there to cheer you on, love. That's got to be one of the funniest posts I've ever read. Love it.

    You should see the new shirt I bought. Ask me about it. You would like it for a day like this. ;)

    Keep pluggin' away

    - spart

    By Blogger kjane, at 9/28/2005 7:14 PM  

  • *hugs* Yeah this swaering thing is new, eh? Next I'll go check Talibah's blog and she will be swearing in there! =O We're all around if you ever need to talk, OK?

    Love you loads.

    By Blogger Hana, at 9/29/2005 6:25 AM  

  • life just fucking sucks :( I think this is my last visit to this blog. :(

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/29/2005 11:53 PM  

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