Birthday Blog
Here we are, at 24.... should be an interesting year.
Pretty good day overall .... work was fairly uneventful, even boring (yay for crosswords & sudoku, my newest puzzle obsession), but pleasant enough, particularly thanks to the well wishes of my co-workers, and the steady stream of amusing voice messages throughout the day (top marks to Spart & Tulip for their serenade, and the following commentary! :). Met Katrina for lunch, caught the early train home (had one of my coworkers running after me to try to keep up with my speedwalking, heehee), and was met at the station by Daina, then home for a swim and to relax.
Yummy dinner .... steak, twice baked potatoes, french bread, then chocolate cake for dessert. Dinner conversation included diverse topics such as:
*Hilary Duff sightings & habits - she's shooting a movie at SAC this week, along w/ Steve Martin, Cheaper by the Dozen 2 - (Hilary, why couldn't you make it to my birthday? We missed you. lol) Apparently she likes chocolate.
*redneck weddings (as witnessed by Catherine this weekend at the Alliston Potato Festival's Demolition Derby)
*and other odd but amusing tales, that I have either forgetten, or would be inappropriate to post. But hilarious, I assure you.
I think perhaps my favorite quote of the evening -
Cath (w/ her head under the table as we are enjoying cake - in an apparent non-sequitor): Hey, did you know our table was made in Vietnam?
Response (not sure who): Er, no....and what are you doing under there, anyways?
Cath: Sneezing.
Happy Birthday to Me. :)
Pretty good day overall .... work was fairly uneventful, even boring (yay for crosswords & sudoku, my newest puzzle obsession), but pleasant enough, particularly thanks to the well wishes of my co-workers, and the steady stream of amusing voice messages throughout the day (top marks to Spart & Tulip for their serenade, and the following commentary! :). Met Katrina for lunch, caught the early train home (had one of my coworkers running after me to try to keep up with my speedwalking, heehee), and was met at the station by Daina, then home for a swim and to relax.
Yummy dinner .... steak, twice baked potatoes, french bread, then chocolate cake for dessert. Dinner conversation included diverse topics such as:
*Hilary Duff sightings & habits - she's shooting a movie at SAC this week, along w/ Steve Martin, Cheaper by the Dozen 2 - (Hilary, why couldn't you make it to my birthday? We missed you. lol) Apparently she likes chocolate.
*redneck weddings (as witnessed by Catherine this weekend at the Alliston Potato Festival's Demolition Derby)
*and other odd but amusing tales, that I have either forgetten, or would be inappropriate to post. But hilarious, I assure you.
I think perhaps my favorite quote of the evening -
Cath (w/ her head under the table as we are enjoying cake - in an apparent non-sequitor): Hey, did you know our table was made in Vietnam?
Response (not sure who): Er, no....and what are you doing under there, anyways?
Cath: Sneezing.
Happy Birthday to Me. :)
Happy birthday indeed my dear Collins. Here's to a great year!
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night!
- spart
kjane, at 8/10/2005 4:43 PM
In other news, I got mail today, a promotional magazine offer for a discounted subscription, etc.....Which magazine, you ask?
"Good Times" ....The magazine about retirement living. Um....
I think their demographic info is a little messed up. ;)
C, at 8/10/2005 7:42 PM
a very happy birthday to you! i'm sorry i haven't been able to wish you one earlier. here's to a great year and lots of fun!
sappho, at 8/15/2005 9:02 PM
lol. Cath' cracks me up :)
Best of luck in London. You'll love it I'm sure!
Sparklite, at 9/01/2005 7:43 PM
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